Monday, November 02, 2009

National Soverienty can't help us.

"Environmental alarmism" is not "being exploited to chip away at national sovereignty" ("Green world government," Editorial, Tuesday). Reality is. National sovereignty is only a concept that exists in our minds. It does not exist in the natural world on which we depend for sustenance and prosperity.
Economic growth; freedom from weapons of mass destruction; and addressing climate change, pandemics and genocide will not be achieved by relying on the "national sovereignty" paradigm that allows every nation to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, to whomever it wants.
Enforceable international laws that protect our inalienable human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may not ensure peace, pure water or protection from all pandemics. However, they can provide a cooperative environment in which early detection of and rapid response to transnational threats can best assist humanity.
An effective global government doesn't have to be a repressive, tyrannical force. By following the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, we could create a world federation where a separation of powers, a global bill of rights and a representative democracy could give us the security we need and the freedoms we desire.
Unenforceable treaties are not capable of yielding the cooperation needed in our irreversibly interconnected and interdependent world. National sovereignty is a concept that must eventually yield to a greater decision-making body, just as Maryland must yield its state sovereignty to the Supreme Court when its state laws violate federal laws.


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